Sunday, December 5, 2010

Time for North Korea to pay? Or continue with appeasement?

Since we have been discussing appeasement of powerful leaders, like Adolf Hitler, I thought it best to discuss a current leader, the world seems to be "appeasing" right now. Kim Jong Il, the North Korean dictator, has been an enemy of the free world since his father, Kim Il Sung, made North Korea a Communist country in the 1950s. Recently, the North Koreans have instigated attacks on South Korea, including sinking a South Korean ship. Read the attached article about South Korea vs North Korea and comment on the following questions:

1. What has North Korea done that is threatening the peace of South Korea and the United Nations?

2. How should this be handled? Is the United Nations doing enough? Should the South Korean government retaliate? How do China and the US fit into this? Is the current policy working? Why or why not?

5 points extra credit! copy and paste the website into your browser


  1. 1. North Korea is pretty much bombing South Korea for no reason. That isn't right because South Korea hasn't done anything to instigate North Korea to attack.
    2. I, personally, don't think that the U.N. is doing enough because they would have solved this issue or would've been making some sort of effort to solve this issue. I think the U.N. should try to keep as many countries as they can out of it and try to create another median between North & South Korea & if that doesn't work, then I believe war is necessary. China & the U.S. are both put into awkward places because The U.S. is allied with S.K. & China is allied with N.K. & China is our biggest trade source & if they decide to stop trade with us then economically, we're screwed. But I don't think China would do that because it would mess up their economy also. & obviously this current policy isn't working, because North Korea is definitely not abiding by it. But I personally think that we should get a giant nuclear bomb & drop it on Kim Jong Il's head then have S.K. raid & reclaim N.K. & liberate its people! :).

  2. North korea has been bombing, and disturbing the peace of south korea. But for what reason im not sure. I read an article that said North Korea bombed South because they bombed them first. South Korea said that they were just running their usual drills.
    To me I think we should take action but with precaution, Nobody wants to start a war, and i read that 33% of poeple in the koreas think war will be the answer while the other percent don't. We should make North korea stand up and say what they did was wrong an take responsibility for there actions. I don't think the the UN is doing enough at this moment. They talk of creating peace, but are they enforcing there talk? South Korea should stay calm, and wait until help comes. They should not retaliate for that might just cause more tension, and give North Korea a reason to take action again.
    Both china and the US are in sticky postions, being allied to each of the countries,(US to South Korea and China to North) this could be a delema. I agree with Nyambi that China probably wont side with the North if a war arises, and i agree that war may be needed to put North Korea back in its place.

  3. 1. North Korea has disrupted South Korea's peace by launching surface to air missiles. This is outrageous because North Korea is so feared that South Korea cannot do much about this attack. Not to mention the Korean War that occurred, over North Korea becoming communist.
    2. American and the UN have their hands tied. Kim Jong Il is a very feared man. Since Mao Zedong made China communist, North Korea and China have been allies, although America has bonds with China, since we have major trading associated between us. I believe the UN isn't doing enough because they are afraid to, and are rightful with that. Appeasing may cause fear and war, but may also save innocent lives around the world. China and US are staying out of this fiasco because if we become involved, world war III will occur.

  4. 1. North Korea is threatening to bomb South Korea. They are instigating a war with South Korea.
    2. The UN isnt doing enough to stop Kim Jong Il. South Korea wont b able to protect themselves from North Korea because North Korea is strong and they are completely secret from the world so there is no way to know what kind of missiles or nuclear weapons North Korea has hidding.

  5. 1. North Korea has bombed an island that South Korea owns. North Korea is instigating a war with them.
    2. I don't think the United Nation is doing enough because they are afraid to get involved with North Korea. Although this is the second time that North Korea had bombed South Korea, I don't think it would be a good idea for them to retaliate because if they do, North Korea will attack them, which could cause another big war. China is allies with North Korea and the US and South Korea are allies. The current policy is not working because they are still not getting along.
