May 5, 1789- Versailles
I, King Louis XVI, have called this meeting to order. This is the first time each estate has met together since the year of our lord, 1614. The purpose of this meeting is to try to create a solution to our great nations growing financial problems. This is a problem we cannot avoid anymore. I wanted all of us to meet today, to discuss the financial deficit. One solution that may have to happen is the raising of taxes. This seems to be the only way of getting our great nation out of debt. I am in need of advice on all sides of the spectrum. What are your views of raising taxes? Who should pay these taxes? I felt bringing us all together may help solve something; do you think this was a good idea?
Comment below IN CHARACTER. Be sure to answer every question I have asked!
King Louis XVI
I don't think that we should raise these taxes. I say that as a mere cook but most of us are all ready have no money and we can't even eat. If you do raise these taxes the nobles and priests should pay and not just us peasants. This is a good idea as long as everyone in this meeting has a fair say.
ReplyDeleteI the Catholic Priest believe this meeting to be a horrible idea. Only the educated are needed to be here. The educated ones are the people to help give advice for our great nation. As the priest we should not be taxed. The men whom speak directly to God should not be burdened with taxes. The lower class need to be taxed, because they are the ones whom need to help our nation out in its time of need.
The great Priest
I a lawyer of the middle class feels that this meeting is a wonderful idea. By bringing us all together we can all share our thoughts on this raising of taxes situation. Personally, I feel that raising taxes is a good idea to get our nation out of financial woes but what I do not think is fair is the way the monarchy is distributing the taxes. You are only taxing the third estate which is not fair some of us are running out of money. Although I am a lawyer and I make a decent amount of money soon enough with all these taxes I will have no money left and soon become a peasant myself. Everyone should equally pay the taxes not just the third estate.
ReplyDeleteI am a third estate journalist and do not support raising taxes. I already am tight on money and can hardly afford to put food on the table as it is. If you continue to raise taxes on the poor and middle class, there will be none of us left to tax. As an educated journalist, this does not seem to make any sense. It would be better to tax the first and second estate citizens because they have an accumulative value much greater than ours. They can afford to be taxed and could stand to help out the nation of France. I do appreciate you calling this meeting and applaud the representation you handed to the lower class. I hope you consider doing this in the future
ReplyDeleteI, as a merchant of the middle class, who works hard all day just to see my profit go to taxes, can not stand this any longer. I do not see how it is fair for me and all of the other hard workers to pay taxes while the popes are out partying. How is this fair??? Please tell me why you got everyone together for a meeting to complain about the high taxes you have put in order.
ReplyDeleteSincerely, Allegra the merchant
I am a noble of the Second Estate, and I would immediately like to say that this meeting is outrageous and should never have occured. We the nobles are the best and only advisors the king needs. However, since the meeting has been called and I am here I will state my opinion on the matter of taxes. Raising taxes in my opinion is a good idea, but only should be raised for and put upon the Third Estate. The Second and First have too much to do and pay for to have taxes. We are the leaders of this country and we need to use our money how we best see fit to use it as the leaders. In the future, you should never call this meeting again. Just humbly ask us the nobles for our opinion and we will freely give it. Good day.
ReplyDeleteYou all seem to have different views on how to go about paying/settling taxes. I am now getting very confused?!?! I feel I am indecisive and need to continue to think about this situation. I am hoping the meeting of the Estates General will be beneficial....
ReplyDeleteKing Louis XVI
I think I speak for every Farmer when I say, we are glad that this meeting has occurred because it was long overdue. Taxes should definitely be lowered because i can barely even stay alive with the current tax rates that the third estates have now. What ever you do, please, do not raise the taxes! If you were to raise the taxes, for some barbaric reason, the tax rates should be either distributed evenly or the 1st and 2nd estate should pay more because they have much more money! So please take my ideas in to consideration and I am ever so pleased that we had this meeting because I can barley get by anymore with the tax rates us farmers currently have. Thank you
ReplyDeleteI, a mere peasant, believe that the taxes should not increase. We barely have any money to keep ourselves alive! If anyone should be taxed, it's the upper class! How would you prosper with the little money you would gain if you taxed us, lower class? How would making us fall into a debt that may never be repaid help the falling economy? It wouldn't. Take from the many who have much to spare. Take from those who can afford to give away. Not from the people who can barely live by the amount they make weekly. Thank you for holding this meeting. It is time for the people who don't have a say to stand up and speak out against the wrongs of the government. Thank you for your time.
ReplyDeleteI, an educated doctor, feel that we should not raise taxes. Most of us can not even afford to buy food and clothing, let alone pay more taxes. Therefore this meeting is a great idea. If everybody can attend this meeting and speak their mind, then I feel that we will be able to work our country out of poverty. Although if a tax raise is our only option to better our country's economy, then the rich should pay more, due to the fact that they have more money and are not struggling for their food. It is just not fair that the third estate pay a majority of the taxes, while the first estate is parting and not even worrying about this tax raise. Please take my ideas into consideration.
Aaron the doctor.
I think that this meeting being called was a great idea. As a merchant, I feel that the taxes should not be raised. I am not making a profit as it is with all the taxes that have already been paid. The people with more land and money should have to pay the taxes.
ReplyDeleteAs a lawyer in the middle class, I am glad that this meeting has been called. I agree that raising taxes would be a great way to help get our nation out of debt. However, it is debatable who and what these taxes will be placed towards. As a member of the middle class, I believe that it is unfair that taxes have only been placed to the thrid estate since we have the smallest portion of say in government and we are also the poorest citizes of the great England. Therefore, I believe that taxes should be placed more heavily on the first and second estate. This will be the best way to build our country out of debt without putting the most people into poverty.
ReplyDeleteAs a banker, I oppose the idea of raising taxes. I agree that we must find a solution to our financial problems, but increasing taxes will only bring more trouble for the citizens of France. Those who are all ready paying taxes have no money left to even support and feed themselves, let alone afford to pay higher sums of money. Everyone in the Third Estate, including myself, are in a constant struggle to make ends meat, we are able to fix our country's debt when we cannot even make a profit to pay off our own. Perhaps, if members of the Second and First Estate contributed to helping pay taxes, we will see a greater improvement.
ReplyDeleteThis meeting was a phenomenal idea, since I am just a peasant, who usually recieves the short end of every decision made for the country, this is a great oppurtunity for me to speak out. I have hit rock bottom and lived off of scraps before, trust me it's not the greatest way to live. Therefore, i think taxes should be raised, but only on the priests and nobles. My whole life, I have never had a decent meal due taxes, taxes, and more taxes. If the country needs money, tax those who have excess amounts, not us destitute folks. Tax the rich and the wealthy for a certain period of time, and see how they like it. Bringing us together was a good idea, but please make sure all of the voices are heard, even the smaller ones. I understand that this opposes the whole belief in balance and equality, but the rich should only be taxed until us peasants can stand up on our own feet and actually be able to contribute something to the country. So taxing is ok for now, but it should start with only the rich for a while, then everyone else. Coming from a peasant this must not mean much, but i hope you listen to us 3rd Estate people.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your time,
A mere peasant.
As a noble, I believe that taxes should only be raised upon the Third Estate. We nobles are the advisors to the king, which is a very difficult position to assume. We have too much to do to be burdened by tax paying. Also, the First Estate cannot be taxed because it is immoral to tax the Catholic church. Therefore, the taxing should focus primarily on the Third Estate, with few taxes put upon the Second Estate.
ReplyDeleteI am a peasant of the Third Estate, and am ALL for raising taxes in the Second and First Estate only! I have two kids and no money, and considering the fact that no one in my town has money either, i just can't seem get a job. The Nobles and the Clergy have more than enough money, the least they could do is give half of it to taxes to save the country from this terrible poverty. I am truly glad that you brought us all together today to discuss this. You have been neglecting the Third Estate for far too long and it is time that we be recognized. To wrap it up, taxes are swell as long as it's only focused on the First and Second Estate.
ReplyDeleteAs a servant in the Third Estate, I am glad this meeting has been put together. On the contrary, I do oppose the idea of raising taxes though. All of us agree that we must find a way to solve out financial problems, but raising taxes may not be such a great idea for the people living in France. Most that are paying taxes already have no money left such as the Third Estate. Therefore, we can not support our selves or our families so what makes you think we are capable of paying larger amounts of money. As a result of being in the lowest estate I feel we should not have to pay as much taxes as we do. I feel the First and Second Estate’s should contribute more instead of going out and spending their money on parties and luxury items. They should have to pay the same amounts of taxes like everyone else or even extra because they make more money then us in the Third Estate and are able to feed themselves and live luxurious lives. In the end if the First Estate and Second Estate paid more on their taxes we may see a difference in our financial problems. I hope you take my thoughts in to consideration.
The servant
As a journalist of the middle class, I find higher taxing to be unfair. I understand if the country of France is in debt and needs to pay it off but to have our tax payer money go towards the luxury and entertainment of the Queen Marie Antoinette is just infuriating. Also, if taxes are really necessary, tax the nobles and Priests; the classes that can actually afford to be taxed. I also think it was a great idea to bring us all together for the reason of middle class workers’ ideas, such as my own, can be voiced and heard by higher estates such as nobles and yourself, King Louis XVI.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI am a priest representing the First Estate and I strongly believe that the Third Estate should have to pay more taxes. The Church supports the rest of society. The Church should be exempt from paying taxes. Since the only money The Church has is the donations from the people, if you are taxing the First Estate and The Church then you are taxing the people who attend church. Most of the people that attend church are part of the Third Estate so it would be easier to just tax the Third Estate. The peasants are not educated and should not be at this important meeting. They do nothing to contribute to society. They should pay more taxes so they help our great country in this time of financial need. This meeting was a good idea but, it was a terrible idea to invite the people from the Third Estate.
ReplyDeleteI am a cook from the third estate. This meeting is a great way to get everyone together to hear ideas from different estates, but I must say it is completely unessesary to raise our taxes, when the ones who have the most money (first and second estates) are not even paying any taxes and still recieve money. Although the third estates are most of the population we do not have enough money put together to reach the amount that they have. The people that should be paying taxes are the first and second estate. I also feel that we should not be taxed on every single item, which is ridiculous. If everyone were to get taxed (not just the third estates) it would be fair and equal. Bringing everyone together to solve this problem is a great idea because everyone can put in their word and be heard. Thank You.
a cook