Sunday, April 7, 2013

North Korea: What course of action should the US take?

Read the following article attached about the US and North Korea. As we have discussed, the rise of dictators during World War II alarmed nations of the world, especially Great Britain, France, and the US. The British and French appeased Adolph Hitler, with the Munich Agreement. Giving into Hitler's demands, it was thought to keep the peace. We know that is not what happened. If the world did not take Hitler as serious as they should have, shouldn't the world learn from past mistakes?? North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has threatened the United States in recent days, provoking what could be another war. He has threatened to attack South Korea, cut off all diplomatic relations, and eventually, attack US naval bases in the Pacific, etc. ARTICLE: US PLAYS DOWN NORTH KOREA THREAT Questions to answer after reading the article: 1. Should the United States be worried/scared about the North Korean threats of war? Give examples from the article to back up your opinion. 2. What course of action do you think the United States should take? More aggressive actions? More discussions/compromises with the North Koreans? 5 points extra credit


  1. Nia Garcia Block 4

    1. Yes, the U.S should be worried/scared about the threat of war from North Korea. Why shouldn't we? They're threatening to launch missiles at us. Even if the missiles cant reach us, they can reach our naval bases in the islands. Nuclear threats shouldn't be taken so lightly.

    2. When it comes to this, I am torn. I don't think the U.S should take a more aggressive approach but I don't think we should stick to a diplomatic way. If we strike first, it'll give N. Korea a real reason to strike back but if we continue with the diplomatic way, it would make the U.S look weak. No matter what course we take, it seems like war is inevitable.

  2. The United States should be concerned of not only the North Korea threats of war, but any threat. They should be concerned because you never know what might happen especially using 9/11 as a horrendous event. Any threat should be taken seriously because of the possible damages it can cause. North Korea has already indicated that they have pointed missile's towards the east coast and also had previous threats, in which there is a possibility that over the years they have improved their plan of attack. This is why the U.S should take this seriously. I think that the U.S should try to compromise with North Korea at first, but be prepared for anything to happen in case of a disagreement.

  3. I believe the US should be worried. Nk is threatning to bomb the US and attack our naval bases. Threats should be taken seriously, schools do so why shouldnt the US gov't. If NK is lying its better to of taken action then to not of and destruction occurs that could of been advoided. The US should talk to Nk and compromise with them. Their is no need to start a war over this. If that doesnt work then more agressive actions should occurr.

  4. I believe the US should take the treats seriously because there is lives at risk. It is possible for the attack to hit one of the US bases. All threats of any kind should be taken seriously and this one too. I don't think NK will go through with the attack because US is such a strong nation but we should take as much precautions as possible to keep our people safe.

  5. I believe that the US shouldn't be scared but if anything, be worried and take caution because they are sending threats - we shouldn't take it as something small and not something we should worry about, knowing that North Korea has two missles in position on the east coast. If the missles do launch, they could hit Guam and our military base that we have there. I think that the US should prepare our troops on the east coast so that if something does actually happen, they are ready but at the same time, try to reason and compromise with North Korea - we shouldn't risk lives and go to war because of threats a country is making.
