We have discussed race in society during the past few weeks. Is it still an issue? Depends on where you live in America? How much attention should be paid to it today?
Minorities account for nearly half of the student population in America, and will likely become the majority within the next decade or two, but recent studies show that students across the country are still largely learning in segregated environments -- along both racial and economic lines.
Assignment: Read the article (click on the link provided).
American Schools Still Heavily Segregated By Race, Income: Civil Rights Project Report
Answer the following questions:
1. Why is the achievement gap between minorities and whites growing?? Discussed some facts you learned from the article.
2. Where are segregated schools mostly found? Are you surprised by this?
3. Overall, why do YOU think there is a discrepancy/problem in education for minorities vs white Americans? Is it the schools? Not enough resources for learning? Lower income housing? What can be done to help solve this problem?
The achievement gap between minorities and whites is growing because of racial and economic lines.
ReplyDeleteSegregated schools are mostly found in the south and also, New York, Illinois and Michigan. I'm not really surprised about the segregated schools in the south but am more surprised about the northern states,
I think that there s a problem in education for minorites vs, white Americans because with there not being enough resources of learning. In order to help solve this problem, schools could fund for more things to be used such as technolgy, to increase the resources of learning.
Race is still an issue because we live in a world with judgment and that creates the gap between races. There is a lot more racism in the south, especially Alabama and maybe Mississippi and it needs a lot of attention. The achievement gap is increasing because school's are segregated. I think there's a problem because the government doesn't care about public city schools. More minorities in the city...
ReplyDeleteLower-income students, often minorities, perform less well on school tests, graduate at lower rates, and are then employed in lower paying jobs. Increasingly, they are unable to compete in the global marketplace
ReplyDeleteIt also threatens to create new inefficiencies, because in coming decades, a steadily increasing percentage of school age children will be racial and ethnic minorities. If they do not achieve at high levels, the economy will In fact suffer.
Most of the schools in the south are segregated including Maryland, Mississippi, and Chicago. I am in fact not surprised about this at all only because this has been happening for so long that regardless whether I like it or not segregation is still going to linger on for however long people will allow it to. There will always be that person/group or even states for that matter to disagree on the topic of integration because it's what there used to, once you have built a foundation on tradition you automatically know that there's no doubt in your mind about change.
overall I believe that there is discrepancies in education mainly because lack of resources in teaching education as well as supply that is needed. In this time period that were living in today most of the teachers i believe are leaving college a little early than you think they are. Many of them have their mind made up to become a teacher and do what they do best which is teaching education. WRONG. Half of the teachers these days deserve to be admitted back to college because of lack of experiences with these students. What they did not learn in college is that children need more than just a teacher..they need a mentor someone that will encourage them to excel and succeed in life, someone who is patient enough to teach them the curriculum.
The achievement gab between minorties and whites are growing because of segragated schools and the charter schools falling short of equal education promises.
ReplyDeleteMore northern states like New York, Illinois and Michigan have the most segregated schools. I am suprised by this because usually you would think the southern states would be the most segragated.
I think there's a problem in education for minorites because of the schools not having enough resources and also the low income tax. To solve this problem the schools should raise money to buy new resources that other schools have for their children.
1. The achievemnet gap between minorities and whites are still growing because of economic issues which makes it hard for them to afford and recieve education. Also because of the segregation issues that still occur today.
ReplyDelete2. Segregated schools are usually found in the southern states, but surprisingly they are appearing in northern states around the New York area.
3.There are problems in education for minorities mainly because of financial issues. The high minority and low income education environments are what create the gap and make it harder for them to recieve education. Another problem is simply because segregation and racism still exist today and dont allow certain races into their facility. Lastly, schools need more supply's and funding to support there schools which affect students from recieveing education.
1. the achievements are growing because of where they are from, and their economic backgrounds.
ReplyDelete2. Most of the racial segragated states are usually deemed to be more of a southern sterotype, but now are being seen in the North, in some spots in New York.
3.The minorities dont have sufficent funds to pay for a decent education. If the school has no money than the kids education is reflected on.
1. The achievement gap between minorities and whites seems to be growing more due to the fact that minorities struggle under economic issues, not race. It has nothing to do with race.
ReplyDelete2. I'm somewhat shocked to find out that segragated schools are found not only in the south, but in the north.
3. I'm sorry, but I honestly don't see any of the 'promblems'. What does being a minority have to do with failing school? Sure, some kids have terrible family lives, but Americans were always taught to work hard if they want to be something someday. I know that the economy isn't good right now. Everyone is being affected, minorities and whites alike. Money is tight, school budgets are being cut. Have you thought that maybe thats the real problem?
1. Basically I feel the reason why the race tensions are growing are because of the the background and what they are being taught is changing the way they feel towards the other race.
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ReplyDelete1.Their is a huge gap still because of the areas the minorities went to school. Depending on the area, it effects the students education. Lower income areas wont have the same educational opportunities as someone from a upper class area. Families also play a role in a students achievement in school.
ReplyDelete2. Most segregated schools are found in the South. No this does not surprise me.
3.I believe the problem stems from the background of the child and the school district their in. If a student comes from a poor area the schools aren't going to be top notch and provide equal learning opportunities as a school in a wealthier area.
• The achievement gap between minorities and whites are growing because of the economic issues and background living.
ReplyDelete• Segregated schools are mostly found in the south and some in the north New York, Illinois and Michigan. I’m not really surprised the only thing that really changes is the time.
• The problem with minorities vs. white Americans is the schools education system and not having enough funds to give better education to the minority neighborhoods. As well as the environment they live in which doesn’t have much opportunities. It’s a matter of Nature vs. Nurture. There needs to be more resources available to make an actual change but in time I believe it will be a change.
1.)The achievement gap between minorities and whites could be growing because of economic issues, Race is not the only reason for the difference.
ReplyDelete2.)The south has most of the segregated schools. I wasn't surprised of that information.
3.)I believe that economical reasons is why minorities are having a problem in today's society because kids grow up not total focused on school.
1.)The achievement gab between minorties and whites are growing charter schools falling short of equal education promises.
ReplyDelete2.)More northern states like New York, Illinois and Michigan have the most segregated schools. Yes i am suprised because southern states are most racist.
There is a problem in education for minorites because of the schools not having enough resources and not having a sufficient amount of money. To solve this problem the schools should have the students do fund raisers and have rallies.