Sunday, December 5, 2010

Time for North Korea to pay? Or continue with appeasement?

Since we have been discussing appeasement of powerful leaders, like Adolf Hitler, I thought it best to discuss a current leader, the world seems to be "appeasing" right now. Kim Jong Il, the North Korean dictator, has been an enemy of the free world since his father, Kim Il Sung, made North Korea a Communist country in the 1950s. Recently, the North Koreans have instigated attacks on South Korea, including sinking a South Korean ship. Read the attached article about South Korea vs North Korea and comment on the following questions:

1. What has North Korea done that is threatening the peace of South Korea and the United Nations?

2. How should this be handled? Is the United Nations doing enough? Should the South Korean government retaliate? How do China and the US fit into this? Is the current policy working? Why or why not?

5 points extra credit! copy and paste the website into your browser