Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Iran and Nuclear weapons- What is the role of the United States and should we fear this possible threat?

Iran and Nuclear Weapons- Does Iran pose a threat to the United States Tensions between the United States and Iran have always existed, moreso in the late 1970's during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. Since the end of the crisis in 1980, the United States has continued to keep an eye on Iranian policy. In the past, the United States has condemned actions, held economic embargo/sanctions against Iran, and has continued a policy of negotiations to try and prevent Iran from completing a nuclear program. Whether Iran is racing toward nuclear weapon capabilities is one of the most contentious issues challenging the West, including the United States and Israel. Even with UN Sanctions of the past against the nation, it is suggested that Iran is in the midst of developing a nuclear bomb. What would this mean for "The West"? Israel? The world? Your assignment: Read the attached article from CNN. When you are finished respond to the following two questions: 1. What is the role of the United States in this situation? Should we or shouldn't we take a more aggressive means of action against Iran? Why? 2. Is Iran a threat to the United States? Why or why not? Cite examples from the article that would make you agree or disagree. This is worth up to 6 points. Please write in complete senetences and as detailed as you can for full six point extra credit

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

American Schools Still Heavily Segregated By Race, Income: Civil Rights Project Report

We have discussed race in society during the past few weeks. Is it still an issue? Depends on where you live in America? How much attention should be paid to it today? Minorities account for nearly half of the student population in America, and will likely become the majority within the next decade or two, but recent studies show that students across the country are still largely learning in segregated environments -- along both racial and economic lines. Assignment: Read the article (click on the link provided). American Schools Still Heavily Segregated By Race, Income: Civil Rights Project Report Answer the following questions: 1. Why is the achievement gap between minorities and whites growing?? Discussed some facts you learned from the article. 2. Where are segregated schools mostly found? Are you surprised by this? 3. Overall, why do YOU think there is a discrepancy/problem in education for minorities vs white Americans? Is it the schools? Not enough resources for learning? Lower income housing? What can be done to help solve this problem?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

North Korea: What course of action should the US take?

Read the following article attached about the US and North Korea. As we have discussed, the rise of dictators during World War II alarmed nations of the world, especially Great Britain, France, and the US. The British and French appeased Adolph Hitler, with the Munich Agreement. Giving into Hitler's demands, it was thought to keep the peace. We know that is not what happened. If the world did not take Hitler as serious as they should have, shouldn't the world learn from past mistakes?? North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has threatened the United States in recent days, provoking what could be another war. He has threatened to attack South Korea, cut off all diplomatic relations, and eventually, attack US naval bases in the Pacific, etc. ARTICLE: US PLAYS DOWN NORTH KOREA THREAT Questions to answer after reading the article: 1. Should the United States be worried/scared about the North Korean threats of war? Give examples from the article to back up your opinion. 2. What course of action do you think the United States should take? More aggressive actions? More discussions/compromises with the North Koreans? 5 points extra credit

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Meeting of the Estates General 1789

May 5, 1789- Versailles I, King Louis XVI, have called this meeting to order. This is the first time each estate has met together since the year of our lord, 1614. The purpose of this meeting is to try to create a solution to our great nations growing financial problems. This is a problem we cannot avoid anymore. I wanted all of us to meet today, to discuss the financial deficit. One solution that may have to happen is the raising of taxes. This seems to be the only way of getting our great nation out of debt. I am in need of advice on all sides of the spectrum. What are your views of raising taxes? Who should pay these taxes? I felt bringing us all together may help solve something; do you think this was a good idea? Comment below IN CHARACTER. Be sure to answer every question I have asked! Curtly, King Louis XVI

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Should the US open up relations with Cuba?

Read the article entitled, Kerry, Hagel On Cuba: Cabinet Nominees Could Help Ease Relations, Lift Trade Embargo. Click on the link, and it will take you to the article. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/26/kerry-hagel-cuba-us-trade-embargo_n_2559023.html After reading, please comment in blog format, on the following questions: 1. According to the article, how does President Obama's Cabinet members feel about lifting the trade embargo with Cuba? 2. What do YOU personally think should be done? Should the US open up limited trade with Cuba? End the embargo? Why or why not? *be specific with an example 5 points extra credit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/26/kerry-hagel-cuba-us-trade-embargo_n_2559023.html