Monday, September 20, 2010

14th Amendment debate: Legal citizen or not?

Right now, we are learning about the Progressive Reform Movement in America during the early 1900's. The goal is to reform/change laws to improve the lives of Americans. During this time period, America saw new Constitutional Amendments (16th-18th).
Right now, there is a debate going on in our country over whether or not the 14th Amendment (Rights to citizenship) should be AMENDED. Why you may ask? If this passes, there is a chance children born in AMERICA to immigrant parents (illegal/not citizens) would NOT be considered American citizens.
Due to the heavy influx of illegal immigrants coming into the country, Americans on one side, feel that something needs to be done. Read about the controversy to changing the 14th Amendment from the Article below. Comment on the following questions:

1. Where do YOU stand on the issue? Do you AGREE or disagree with the Birthright Citizenship Act proposal? Why or why not?

2. If this ACT/14th amendment was amended was passed, HOW would this affect America??

Comment in detail for full credit. I look forward to hearing your thoughts!!


ARTICLE BELOW- please copy and paste into your broswer