Sunday, December 5, 2010

Time for North Korea to pay? Or continue with appeasement?

Since we have been discussing appeasement of powerful leaders, like Adolf Hitler, I thought it best to discuss a current leader, the world seems to be "appeasing" right now. Kim Jong Il, the North Korean dictator, has been an enemy of the free world since his father, Kim Il Sung, made North Korea a Communist country in the 1950s. Recently, the North Koreans have instigated attacks on South Korea, including sinking a South Korean ship. Read the attached article about South Korea vs North Korea and comment on the following questions:

1. What has North Korea done that is threatening the peace of South Korea and the United Nations?

2. How should this be handled? Is the United Nations doing enough? Should the South Korean government retaliate? How do China and the US fit into this? Is the current policy working? Why or why not?

5 points extra credit! copy and paste the website into your browser

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Foreclosures- Should the government let them happen or step in?

Since we are discussing the Great Depression vs the Recession, I thought it best to complete a blog entry on the issue of Foreclosure. Below you will find a link to the article entitled, "Obama's Foreclosure Prevention Efforts Criticized". Read the article in FULL and comment on the following questions:

1. Do you think, based on what you have read, that the Obama Foreclosure plan is working? Why or why not?

2. Do you think that the government should have stepped in to help those who are having a hard problem paying their mortgage, or do you think homes should go into foreclosure? Be sure to think about how this will effect banks, loans, etc.

Monday, September 20, 2010

14th Amendment debate: Legal citizen or not?

Right now, we are learning about the Progressive Reform Movement in America during the early 1900's. The goal is to reform/change laws to improve the lives of Americans. During this time period, America saw new Constitutional Amendments (16th-18th).
Right now, there is a debate going on in our country over whether or not the 14th Amendment (Rights to citizenship) should be AMENDED. Why you may ask? If this passes, there is a chance children born in AMERICA to immigrant parents (illegal/not citizens) would NOT be considered American citizens.
Due to the heavy influx of illegal immigrants coming into the country, Americans on one side, feel that something needs to be done. Read about the controversy to changing the 14th Amendment from the Article below. Comment on the following questions:

1. Where do YOU stand on the issue? Do you AGREE or disagree with the Birthright Citizenship Act proposal? Why or why not?

2. If this ACT/14th amendment was amended was passed, HOW would this affect America??

Comment in detail for full credit. I look forward to hearing your thoughts!!


ARTICLE BELOW- please copy and paste into your broswer

Friday, May 28, 2010

World History Peeps! North and South Korea

Here is the link for the article about the latest conflict between North and South Korea.

Read the article in its entirety. Comment on the following questions below.

1. Do you believe that North Korea attacked South Korea's ship The Cheonan? Does South Korea have enough evidence? (You may need to take a look at a few articles to help you answer this)

2. Now that North Koreans are starting to get a slight "taste" of technology, do you think they will hold any type of revolt/rebellion against the Communist regime, especially after understanding that their nation is quite backwards compared to other nations?

Please comment as you usually do- and make sure your SPELLING is correct. No FB or text language on here! :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Arizona's Immigration Bill....protecting Americans or going too far??

Please read the attached article about a new bill signed by the Governor of Arizona. This bill, which is the first bill by a US State to demand immigrants legalization papers/federal documents of legitimacy, has caused an uproar throughout the country.

Read the article thoroughly, and comment on the following two questions:

1. Where do you stand? Do you support the bill? Against it? Why do you feel the way you do?

2. Do you think this bill, regardless of where you stand, will be effective? Do you think illegal immigration will begin to cease? Why or why not?

copy and past the URL link into your browser to read the article

p10 pts extra credit

Thursday, May 6, 2010

World History Peeps! Africa - South Africa and problems facing teens

Hey Ya'll!

Hope you enjoyed our unit on Africa! I know we have read and discussed issues that are very troublesome. As we have learned, South Africa is one of the richest countries in Africa, yet it plagued by so much, including a high population of HIV/AIDS.

Read the article from GLOBAL ISSUES- the link is below. The article is about teens- other kids your age, and the problems they face in South Africa today. To me, it is very disturbing.....

After reading the article, please comment on the following two questions:

1. What do you feel is the BIGGEST problem facing teens in South Africa (choose only one out of the few you read about)? Why do you feel this way?

2. What are some solutions to solve these problems? What do you see happening that may "wake up" these kids, and get them back on the right path in life? Suggest at least TWO solutions.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The New Jersey Budget and YOU- The Effects of cutting the budget on schools

Recently, Governor Chris Christie announced that his administration will be cutting close to $1 billion dollars in education spending. This is obviously going to have a direct impact on RV and approximately 600 other NJ public schools.

Read the attached link

After reading about the budget cuts for school and other proposed cuts, comment on the following question:

Do you agree or disagree with Governor Christies budget cuts? What part(s) do you agree or disagree with? How will these budget cuts for schools affect YOU? Education? Do you have any other proposals that could be cut instead of education? Please comment!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

World History Class- Russia ..... not so much a peaceful nation huh?

Dear peeps of Block One:

1. Read the following article about Russia. The URL link is provided below

2. When you are done reading the article, comment on the following questions:
Question One: Why do you think Russia is ranked SO low for one of the "Most Peaceful Nations"?
Question Two: What should Russia do to try and reform itself and make it a better
country/become a more peaceful nation?
Question Three: Relating to our essential questions on Eastern Europe- How does Russia's status effect the rest of Eastern Europe?

3. Be sure to type your answers in blog format (comments on this post). Be sure to answer all questions.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

S-X Offenders- Should they or shouldn't they receive a second chance?

A few days ago, California native Chelsea King, a seventeen year old highschool student, was found dead in a shallow grave about half a mile from her car. Chelsea had been jogging the local trails of a community park on Thursday, February 25th. That was the last time anyone saw her.
Convicted S-X offender John Albert Gardner was arrested in connection to Chelsea's murder. Chelsea had been raped and beaten, then killed and buried. John Gardner has had two previous s-x charges against him, and served five years in jail for the molestation of a thirteen year old in 2000. He was released only after five years-one year shy of the sentenced six years. He was recently charged with the attempted rape of a 22 year old woman (December 2009). The woman was able to fend off her attacker and run to saftey. Unfortunately for Chelsea, she was unable to.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Black History Month

This month is Black History Month- for some time now, it has been debated whether or not a "month" is needed to dedicate towards African Americans and Women (March). Why do they have to have their own months? Shouldn't people be celebrating diversity and equality for African Americans and women all year round? What is your opinion on this question? Should we or shouldn't we continue to have Black History Month?