Tuesday, January 11, 2011

To Censor or Not? Mark Twain's novels and the "N" word

Recently it was announced that the newest editions of Mark Twain's Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn were to take out certain words, including the "N" word and the word "injun" which was a term used to describe Indians (Native Americans). Read the article below and comment on the following:

1. Is this censorship? Why or why not?
2. Should the words be taken out of the novels? Why does it matter?



  1. I believe this is censorship. Just another way to create a barrier to sheild history from todays generations. These words should not be taken out of this book. This book is a valuable piece of our history, and improtant to many people in society. I think it does matter, because first off, its Mark Twains book. No one should be changing things around in his creation of history. Two, like we said in class, it is a reflection of the time he was living in. Back then, those words ment nothing, they were everyday words. These words are a part of this story, and since Mark Twain isnt around to step in, I think they should be left alone. Like the article said, if you don't think your children are mature enough to understand those words as terms used in history, then they should not be reading the book.

  2. I believe this is censorship, because the book is for educational reasons and is a piece of history. Also he is just using the word to seem more realistic in the book. I feel by taking the N-word out this book, you might as well take it out of everything. songs,movies,tv etc. He isn't using the word to attack or be little a black person so it should be left alone, furthermore he's dead so that even worst. Also kids are going to hear the word eventually so there's no stopping it. In closing if parents or whoever doesn't think it is appropriate for there children to read it then kep the book away from them.

  3. Honestly, I do think by editing out the words in the book, that a form of censorship is taking place. I believe this is censorship because all throughout the entire book, it's taking place in a certain time period, and during this certain time period, words such as the 'n' word, and 'injun', were used, and very common, so by taking out and replacing these words from their original content, you are censoring them. However, I don't believe it's complete censorship because it's not like every single Huckleberry Finn or Adventure of Tom Sawyer book are to be destroyed or no longer allowed to be read or used. The old versions can still be sold/read/used. The new book is just a version of the books that may help teachers or parents present a more appropiate book for their types of students or children. 

    I personally do not believe the words should be taken out because the words were put in there for a reason, not to just be removed and re-edited by someone else other than the original author. Also it wouldn't make sense to not have those words in the book. If you're writing a book based in the deep South, Midwest, New York, Boston, or any other part of the country, etc, etc, you would be expected to have their dialect and words they commonly use to help create a clearer picture of whar that time period was really like... Which is exactly what Huckleberry Finn and the Adventures of Tom Sawyer are doing. Also, I believe taking out these words is not gonna do anything, because no matter how hard people try to stop it's usage, the 'n' word will still be heard and used, so the replacing of the words isn't gonna do anything...

  4. Of course this is censorship. Americans publish many books that are flagged as inappropriate, and most of these books are graphic. I don't see why this book would need to rid itself of these words if the media doesn't censor the "N" word in music and movies today.

    Why would the words need to be taken out of the novels? I just do not understand. I've read so many books that have worse words used. I think the real problem is reading these books in school. If the BOE has such a problem with students reading these novels, just take it off of the reading list. I know that I was never allowed to read it in school, and I did fine. But I don't see why everyone should deal with this censorship. These books are a great source of history in language, so I think these terms are vital to the novels.

  5. I believe this is censorship because they are trying to shield people from knowing what truly went on in that time, and also how people felt. I don't think it would be right to take these words out of the book at all. Theses books were written a very long time ago and at the time these words were okay to use. I think schools have the right to chose if they will be read at the school or not because some people don't want there children to say that. You should definitely have the option to read the original book that was written with all the same words. Just like if someone were to chose if they wanted to buy music with words like that in it.

  6. I believe that this is censorship , But these books were read and used in the correct terminology back then. They should not change the book just because of todays society. Books like that show people what the world use to be like. I think reading this book in school is a great example for kids to see. Of course it would not be ok for someone to publish a book like that today with those type of words because society is different. The world is no longer like that. They should leave the book the way it is and let it be up to the school to decided weather they want to read the book in school or not.

  7. I think this is Censorship.Because I know Mark Twain did't use the N word and Injun to offend anyone in anyway. He used the words to express how people talked at that time period. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are classic novels most people have read them. By taking out the original words the author can't say what he really wants to. I also agree with What Malik said. Mark Twain is dead so he can't even defend himself about this issue. I think the books should be left alone!

  8. i think this is censorship because you shouldnt shield your listeners from the true history that actually happened. If it happened then no one should have it censored. History without cencorship is more effective then if someone lied and doesnt have the words put in. The words should never be taken out because if your going to read the book in school then might as well have the original copy with you. it would be a waste of money if you have the clean version of it. Dont have the book in school if you are going to censorship.

  9. I think this is censorship because they are trying to take out words that show what was actually occurring during that time. When Mark Twain wrote these books, that was the language used. If you take out certain words it won't teach people who read it what times were really like back then. I think they should only be able to do this with the author's consent, and because Mark Twain is not alive I don't think it's right of them to take out these words. People who read these books are usually informed before hand that this is not the appropriate language to use now, and the only reason it is in the book is to show how cruel people were then. If they changed these words, it would give readers a false impression of what really happened then.

  10. i believe this is censorship because those words show what was occurring during that time. By removing those words I feel like its hiding the truth. There are way more inappropriate and graphic books that are published, this novel shouldn't even be a problem. I'm sure Mark Twain used those words and that language to make his readers understand what it felt like to live in that time. By changing these words its going to give the reader the wrong impression. Students learn about slavery and discrimination in school, why wouldn't they be able to read a book about it?

  11. I believe this is censorship because the author of the book wrote it this way to make the reader feel like they were actually living in that time period where these words were actually used everyday. I feel like by taking that away from the book will just make it less real. Also i feel like all kids have already exposed to the N-word so no they should not be replaced. If your concerned about the reader having to read these words in the book you can censor them out yourself or just not let them read it. Its as simple as that.

  12. Yes it is censorship. Taking out words like these is censoring, which by definition is "to delete (a word or passage of text) in one's capacity as a censor."
    I personally believe that words like these should not be taken out of or replaced in the text. Trying to delete or alter these kinds of words, no matter how discriminating they may be, is like trying to change history. We cannot change what happened in the past, but we can learn for the better and change what can happen in the future. How are people and children supposed to learn how and why these words were used in history if there are no words like these to read. I believe that these words should not be altered in any way, and I believe that it is still a good idea to keep the books that use them as a part of many schools' curriculums. However, it may be wise to teach this kind of material to an older, more mature group/grade.

  13. This is censorship because they are taking away oppurtunities of the reader to learn about what really went on in that time period. If the book is about a certain time period then the slang and events should also be in there to get the true effect of what really went on. Therefore if they're trying to get rid of that that then it is definitely censorship.
    The words should not be taken out of the novel because if they did that to every book with those words in it then a lot of books would have to be censored also. Therefore, his books should remain the same so the reader can get the full idea of what he's writing about. It matters because it wouldn't be fair to Mark Twain, who expects to be able to write about what really went on in that time period without having it censored.

  14. I do believe that this is censorship. The author put the N-word in the book for a reason. He didn't mean any harm by this. Using this word in the novel is appropriate for the time period in which the story takes place. He doesn't use this word for offensive reasons nor does he use the word in any inappropriate way. By taking out the word in the novel you take away the authenticity of it. Furthermore, the only way I would find taking out the word acceptable, would be if the author agreed to it. Sice Mark Twain has passed, then they really should leave this novel be.

  15. I believe taking the derogatory language out of the book is censorship. Censorship is the act or practice of censoring or editing. Taking racial slurs out of Mark Twain’s work would be editing it, and it is wrong to edit one’s work without their permission. Since Mark Twain has passed it is not okay to edit his work because he used that language for a reason. It is absurd that critics believe that the N-word should not be used in an old novel yet it is normal for it to be used in modern day songs and movies.

  16. i believe that it is censorship because they are taking books that people wrote and that are dead and changing the n word. it was a big part in our history and if you censor it your pretty much saying that that part of history never happened. i really believe that the words should stay in the books to show people in the future how those times were and what african americans were called back then and how they gained rights
