Below is a link to an article about the immigration issue in Arizona. Recently, Governor Jan Brewer (AZ) proposed a law that would require people who are suspected of being in the country illegally to show documentation that they are in the country legally. This has sparked a national debate for many reasons. Reasons you will read about in the article LINK BELOW.
What you need to do....
1. Read the article
2. Comment on the following two questions:
1. What are your personal views on Arizona's SB 170 bill? Is it a form of racial profiling? Racial discrimination? Why or why not?
2. Do you think Governor Brewer will win her case vs the Federal goverment, or do you think the Federal government will be successful at preventing her and Arizona from passing this bill? Explain.
This is worth 10 points. Please use complete sentences and watch for spelling errors thanks!!
My personal views on the Arizona SB170 bill is crazy i think it is over the top and Governer Brewer is out of line for even suggesting it. I totally think it is a form of racial profiling an discrimination because it is only attacking a certain race which are the Mexican and Latino, the whites and the blacks would not get affected by this. Like who would want to carry their papers with them with important information on it, come on now smh. I definitely do not think Brewer is going to win the case against the Federal government because it shows a form of racial profile which is unconstitutional also if she was to win, the knowledge of the act and the reaction from the people would cause a BIG controversy which I believe the Federal government will not let occur.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the Arizona SB170 bill is ridiculous. I definitely think that its racial discrimination because people shouldn't be targeting one specific group of people regards if they are legal or not. Like Bri said nobody carries around papers that have that kind of information on it.Governor Brewer has a slim chance of winning against the Federal Government because its not showing equal right among Americans.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the Arizona SB1070 law is not correct at all. She is definitely acting in a racist way. It is such a ridiculous idea. Just because one person looks Latino or Mexican does not mean that person is illegal. As I said before, I am an immigrant but I am legal, and I think that it is such a violation of privacy that every single person has in this country. I am pretty sure that she won't like it either if she was an immigrant. Just because somebody looks different than other people, doesn't mean that person is a bad person. We are all equal and we have the same rights.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the Federal Government will be successful at preventing her and Arizona from passing this bill because the Federal Government knows exactly is a violation of privacy and it is such a huge issue that the Federal Government will not let it happen because it will affect the presidency. Latinos and some other people from the U.S and other countries will totally be against this law and will do whatever it takes to stop this law and will totally dislike the decision that will affect the whole country. We shouldn't forget that thanks to many immigrants, this country is exactly where it is, at the top.
I personally have mixed feelings about this. Brewer is definitely out of line with this bill, but I do see where she is coming from. If immigration is such a huge issue among us, then we need to start taking more steps to solving the issue. Brewer has the right idea by taking action and actually doing something about this, but I would have approached it in a different manner. If it did have to come down to accusing innocent Mexicans and Latinos, then so be it, but as for now, I am sure there are many other options. I do not think her case will be successful.
ReplyDeletePersonally I feel this bill is unecessary, if you suspect that someone is illegal then you need to go into a deeper background check. People don't just carry around their papers all the time. I feel it is wrong just to look at someone and think they are illegal, that is like people have said above racial dicrimmination. If Brewer is feeling so strongly about stopping immigration then different means need to happen, not just targeting the immigrants, or other innocent american citizens that are already here.
ReplyDeleteThank you for those of you who have posted, however, be sure to answer both questions. They are five points each. Do you think Governor Brewer will win her lawsuit against the Feds? Why or why not?
ReplyDeleteI personally think that the SB170 bill is definitely unnecessary. I would agree that if the bill were to be enacted, the police would be racially profiling. It is unfair to ask someone for their paperwork just because they appear to be of Mexican or Latin descent, especially considering most people don't carry their papers with them on the street. It is even more ridiculous that if a person is unable to present their papers, they will be detained and questioned. Although immigration is a very hot topic, and does need to be taken action upon, this bill is unfair and racially discriminating. I don't think Governor Brewer will even have a chance in winning her lawsuit against the Federal government. The case she is claiming in itself does not even make sense. She is claiming that the federal government is failing to control the borders, and is leaving the state with huge costs for jailing illegal aliens who commit crimes. First of all, illegal immigration is going on in many places along the border, not just Arizona. Also, controlling the borders is a difficult task, and a positive solution is needed to solve the problem. And regarding the expenses for jailing, illegal immigrants are not the only people who commit crimes, although I do realize that more people cause more crime. So, I feel that Governor Brewer has no case, and absolutely will not win.
ReplyDeleteI think that Arizona's SB 170 bill is a form of racial profiling. I think it will just cause people of Latin American and Mexican descent to become angry. I think that it will only increase racial tension in our country. I also think that it does not make sense to pass this bill because it is not a good idea to have your birth certificate on you at all times. This is a value thing that I think, personally should be left at home. I do not think that the Federal government is gonna pass Governor Jan Brewer's bill because the article already explains how the obama administration does not want to deal with this right now. If they do not want to deal with it then there is no one to pass the bill.
ReplyDelete1)My personal view on the Arizona SB170 is completely wrong. Its a form of racism in my opinion and noone should be judge like that just because of how they "look." Its perhaps the most rediculous thing I have ever heard. I do indeed think it is a form of racial profiling. The definition of racial profiling is a form of discrimination by which law enforcement uses a person’s race or cultural background as the primary reason to suspect that the individual has broken the law and this law does indeed follow that.
ReplyDelete2)I think she will lose her case. What she is doing is all around wrong and if it were to pass it would be a big delema.It is most definitely racial profiling and it should be impossible for that to pass. I am interested to find out on what happens.
I think the SB170 bill is definitely racial profiling. It would only target mexicans and other latinos because Arizona is so close to South America and Mexico. On the other hand i am against illegal immigrants and something should be done to stop them from coming to America illegaly but nothing this extreme. I think the government will be successful in stopping Governor Brewer from passing this bill. It goes against people's personal privacy and you cant just stop any latino on the street and ask them for proper documentation. No one carries those types of things.
ReplyDeletethis law is ridiculous because i feel that if the people had the balls to get into this country then they shouldn't have walk down the street in fear of someone asking for their papers. i do think this is a for of racial profiling because i don't have to worry about being stopped for m papers if walk down the street because im not from Latin decent. i don't think this will get passed because the law violates someones right to privacy which is unconstitutional
ReplyDelete1. Arizona's SB 170 bill is totally absurd and ridiculous. Individuals that take different ethnicities (hispanics) will be suspected first (racial profiling). This reminded me of the internment camps for the Japanese and Japanese-Americans in America during World War II; people were sent to those prison-like camps based on their APPEARENCE and nothing else. They were punished for no reason, but because they carried the faces of the enemy. Mexican and Latino communites know they will be targeted first because of the constant issues with the border. I can clearly see and understand why, but I don't think anyone should be suspected and judged based appearance; legitimate evidence should be needed. SB 170 hasn't even passed yet and much tension has already formed; it'll definentely worsen if it passes and who knows what will happen(violence?). I really don't understand how Brewer thinks this will makes this better. Yea maybe it will catch some illegal individuals, but as a whole (Arizona state) things will be more on the negative side.
ReplyDelete2. I don't think that Brewer will win the case because of the fact that the bill states that SUSPECTED individuals will be required to show documentation. Maybe if the bill was rewritten differently in a more moral way, it might of had a chance of passing, but its too late for that now.
In my opinion, I don’t find the SB170 bill necessary at all; I strongly believe this is the act of racial profiling because it only affects a specific group of people. If Governor Brewer wants to identify those illegal immigrants in Arizona, she should use a different strategy instead of directly targeting those people of Mexican and Latino descent. Also, no one carries their birth certificates and immigration papers around with them. I am almost positive this bill won’t be passed. Racial tension is already high in America, how much more if this bill is passed? This is a violation of someone’s privacy which is totally unfair.
ReplyDeleteMy personal view on the SB170 bill is it is disrespectful and it is being racist to the mexican and latin. There is a different way they should go about try to find illegal immigrants.This is not the propper way to go about it this is just going to make people go crazy and it is going to create alot of drama. If they pass this law the mexican and latin are going to try to start a war or somehting that we dont need and more crimes and violence that we dont need.
ReplyDeleteNo i do not think that governor will win her case aqainst the federal govrment because this law is crazy no one should be harrased just because they look different. There is a better idea they can come up with then this one because what if the run into s legal immigrant they are going to feel a certain way and not want to be here anymore and that is not the right way to treat someone.
My views on Arizona's SB 170 bill, is that it is uncalled for, and offensive. I agree that it is both a form of racial profiling, and racial discrimination. Just because you look a certain way, and “suspected” of being in the country illegally does not give police the right to invade your personal privacy and ask for documentation. Most people do not carry around their proper documentations, and if they were stopped and did not have them on hand, it would cause an even bigger problem. Although illegal immigration is a big issue today, there are many different ways to go about solving the problem rather than causing racial profiling and racial discrimination.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Governor Brewer will win her case vs. the Federal government. The bill that she wants to pass is completely unfair and will make the government look bad if they were to stop a legal citizen. Illegal immigration is going on in many different parts of the boarder other than Arizona. Governor Brewer has no chance on winning this case.
my personal opinion is that it is wrong , but who am i to pass judgement when i don't experience such a prominent issue of illegal immigration. i think its ridiculous that someone would have to carry documentation around because nobody does that.it is a form of discrimination if handled the wrong way. if those enforcing the law only stop people that look Latino it does become racial profiling. i think Brewer is OOODDEEE. her idea for reform for her state, but at what cost though ? theres nooo way she could win her case against the federal government . what she wants to do is almost like what they made the jewish do in the Holocaust. making people carry something around that will help identify them simply because of the way they look and their background . how would America's government look if we allowed this to happen.
ReplyDeleteI feel that this bill is completely wrong. To be honest and think about it the whole checking papers idea is no different than how white people discriminated against black people back in the day. Its still judging people based on their skin tone and how they look, and where they come from.Unless their is good reason for it like in court or something, nobody should really have the right to try and check your papers and see who you are. This is a definite example of racial profiling. This is because say the police see a person that they think looks Mexican or Latino or whatever, then they have the right to go check for their papers. This really is just ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteI personally dont think that Governor Brewer will win her case. Its ridiculous and really shouldnt be considered to be passed. I think the federal governemnt wont pass this bill because they will see it is wrong.
well...i think brewer has good intentions and nobody wants people koming here illegally honestly i think the idea of people having to karry papers on them at all times is a bit retarded. the papers will be more prone to loss if kept on you. i dont think she'll win the kase at all. if she does...then...idk. i think it'll kause more harm than good. i dont think theres much we kan do about immigration in general
ReplyDeleteI think this is a terrible bill that hopefully crashes into the ground. I don't think that anyone who is in this country legally should have to worry about being hasseled by some cop because of a law that requires people to have papers that almost no one carries arounds with them. I belive this is racial profiling. notice how it says "requires people suspected to be illegal immigrants". What does that mean? It pretty much means if your hispanic with an accent or maybe even no accent at all you may be required to carry legal documentation on you proving citzenship to our country. which is rediculos
ReplyDelete1.i dont think the law is right. To pull somebody over because they look Mexican is racial profiling. As a black man in america i am get racialy profiled alot and I wouldn't want the same to happen to anybod else.2 I think the govener will win her case. immagration in arizona is a big problem and it needs to be adressed and this is the best way to do soo.
ReplyDeleteI believe that this bill is a little out of line. You could instead have checkpoints at some places instead of random paper checks. This is very out of line this bill is rediculous. Also, I do not believe that she will win her case and the bill will not pass. These actions are very dramatic and rediculous.
ReplyDeleteMy views on Arizona’s SB 170 bill support Governor Brewer’s views. I do believe something needs to be done to stop illegal aliens from living in our country. However I think Arizona will need to come up with a better plan to prevent illegal’s from living in the country. The SB 170 bill is racial profiling and racial discrimination however it can be justified because people of Mexican and Latin decent are the highest population of illegal aliens. If someone is ask to justify that they are legally living in this country, and they are legal, they should have no problem justifying. I think it is a good way to catch illegal aliens but it is controversial and it seems like a lot of people are against it.
ReplyDeleteI do not think Governor Brewer will win her case against the federal government. I think the government will prevent her from passing this bill because too many people are against it. I think it would create too many problems and therefore it will not get passed.
I think that the Arizona Sb170 is most definitely racial profiling. We should not be going up to random people who are of mexican or latino decent and demanding that they show paper work that proves they are legal. Not only can this be considered harassment but it could also be considered discrimination. Even though i am against illegals entering our country i am still against this. I do not know anyone who carries any other documentation other than their id, how can we expect the people who we are targeting to be doing so if we ourselves do not even do this.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand i do not think that Governor Brewer will win her case. I think that her case will be shot down by the federal government because of it's unrealistic aspects. I think the government will find that her bill will cause many problems for our country.