Monday, September 24, 2012

Meeting of the Estates General- Block 4

May 5, 1789- Versailles I, King Louis XVI, have called this meeting to order. This is the first time each estate has met together since the year of our lord, 1614. The purpose of this meeting is to try to create a solution to our great nations growing financial problems. This is a problem we cannot avoid anymore. I wanted all of us to meet today, to discuss the financial deficit. One solution that may have to happen is the raising of taxes. This seems to be the only way of getting our great nation out of debt. I am in need of advice on all sides of the spectrum. What are your views of raising taxes? Who should pay these taxes? I felt bringing us all together may help solve something; do you think this was a good idea? Comment below IN CHARACTER. Be sure to answer every question I have asked! Curtly, King Louis XVI


  1. This is Ms. Kav. I am showing you how to leave a comment. It is quite simple!!

  2. You're Majesty, King Louis XVI,
    I'm so happy you had all three of the Estates come too you're meeting at Versailles, because lately I've been feeling like we third estate people have no say in you're Goverment. Maybee if we all work together we could solve you're finanshial problems. As for the issue with the taxes, I DO NOT want more of them! It's bad enough struggling too feed me poor famly - we're so broke from all those bloody taxes alredy! Instead of raising taxes on we poor third Estate people, raise taxes on them noblemen who sit in in you're courts and goverment seats and do nothing. And quit giving so much money to the Church - I know its for a good cause, what with them orfanages and hospitals and all, but handing over all that cash to the richest Estate in France sure isnt getting ya free access to Heaven or nothing like that. (Plus, no offense, You're Majesty, but maybee you're lovly wife shouldnt be spending so much money on her fancey "hairdo".)So long story short: Don't raise taxes on we poor third Estate. Raise taxes on Second Estate and don't give all you're money away to those rich, land-owning Bishops!
    An Anonymous Merchant
    (P.S. - Sorry for me bad grammar and spelling, You're Majesty, but being a member of the third Estate, I didnt have the best educashun. My apologees.)

  3. To our wretched leader, King Louis XVI

    Taxation has left most of the men in France to suffer under poverty. Raising the taxes will not resolve the situation. It will not resolve the problem because the men being taxed have nothing to give. To truly resolve the situation, every man must be taxed including members of the church and noblemen. If everyone is equally taxed, there will be no reason to raise the taxes. Gathering everyone together at Versailles to discuss the issue was a good idea. This was a good idea because everyone could represent themselves. Instead of only seeing the perspectives of noblemen and priests, you will now truly understand how many of us are struggling.

    A peasant (Matthew No)

    1. Peasant No,

      I thought that your name was spelled No not Nho, did you make a mistake uneducated peasant? I may have to take back my starbursts!


      Mother Mekayla
      (Priest, Mekayla Mntgomery)

  4. Dear King Louis XVI,
    I do believe it was a good idea to bring us citizens of France together. However, I feel victimized and unimportant being amongst the three classes of the pyramid, being a peasant on the bottom and all. I think it is a horrific idea to raise the taxes in our country. Folks like me can barely afford a crumb of bread and you're expecting us to pay extra money! Disgrace! If anyone should pay these "taxes" you discuss of I believe it should be the Nobels. They sit around all day and have the nerve to tell you what to do and when to raise your prices, I believe they should have a taste of their own medicine! I certainly will not be paying any taxes, for who knows if I will live to see the day when the law is passed. Like I told you, I cannot afford meals. So I do hope you take into consideration what I have told you. Good day!

    Anonymous Peasant

  5. King Louis XVI.
    You retched King! My husband is a farmer and we had just enough money to keep three daughters alive. Now because of your idea to tax us, my husband lost land and we have lost all our money. Our youngest daughter seven years old died because we did not have enough money to give her treatment she needed. My oldest is weakening because she gives all food to duh last youngest child so she can stay alive. We need duh money you take to support ourselves. Us peasants need money to live. We work duh hardest for France and you decide to take away our lives! Nobles you should be taxing. They have money to pay and keep living. Bring us to meeting was pointless because you only listen to rich Nobles and Priests. Not us peasants. We sit in duh back without say. We are duh ones whos lives are at stake because of your laws. Even douh I am not educated a lot i can still think about what's right. Us should be allowed to speak our mind to you and have you listen. Good day to you, you discraceful King Louis.

    A Peasant

  6. Dear our Awful and Evil King Louis XVI,
    I am truly grateful for your willingness to even hold a meeting at the Versailles. It was really quite generous for you to invite the 3rd class. Although this does not cover up your evil tax. It is not right what you are doing. You would make more money taxing the rich than the poor who ca not even pay you. If your wife keeps spending so much money on her sins then you should stop her and stop taxing us so hard. Now I am not saying it is bad to not tax the church because they are the holy people of God but do not pay them in such high amounts. I also believe you should tax your nobles. Your nobles are filthy rich and do not have to pay taxes and keep all the money for themselves. They might be a minority but you would make more money by taxing them then us. They should also stop ordering you around. Do not let them walk over you and tell you that they should not be taxed. You are our king, our chosen one by God. Make your own decisions and stop being indecisive and ignorant.

    The Peasant
    Jay Sellers

  7. Many of us in the third estate are unable to pay for more taxes. And we can not match the wealth of the other estates. These taxes should be paid by nobles who have the spare land and money to pay. You should be as king able to decide what to do without calling upon the estates general. A better solution to the problem with the treasury would be to cut the spending of your wife who seems to have no care of how much money she flaunts in the faces of her people who have none. If anything sell something from Versailles their is much to spare there.
    a discontented skilled artisan

  8. To Your Majesty, Louis XVI
    I can not conceive the reason that made me a man of the people. I began as one of the best lawyers in Paris after I attended the greatest university of the world: The Sorbonne. Notwithstanding my arduous study and my illustrious education, I am considered like a farmer or a servant. The law imposes high taxes that I should not pay. Politics and economy teach that if taxes would have been demanded to all the population, they would be less expensive. Thus, everyone could save little bit of money to live decently. I think it is unreasonable that the Church and nobility are dispensed from taxation.
    Only combine the opinions of all the estates and we can obtain a democratic solution. Everyone must be sharing their own ideas with regard to the financial and political decisions.

    From an ex-rich Lawyer

  9. Dear selfish King Louis XVI,

    I find it very ungrateful that you even bring up the matter of raising taxes. In France, it is quite obvious that peasants are having a tough time keeping up with financial debt, not to mention merchants, cooks, servants, urban workers, and even doctors; like myself. It is very unfortunate that our nation has a growing financial problem, however I feel that a person of myself should not be included in paying taxes. I am not the only important citizen in France, however my job is very sacred, and I try my hardest to save plentiful lives every day. If anything, our fellow priest who is very wealthy should take care of the grieving problem of taxes. Please, I beg that you take the time to think this idea through once more, because it certainly isn't a good one.


    A concerned doctor

  10. KING LOUIS!!!
    Your majesty have you gone mad giving these peasants a voice. This will truly upset our balance as we have made it. Pounding on more taxes for these paris scum peasants will eventually bring our economy back to life as we enjoy a watch in luxury. Being in the position we are in now is god given and making the correct choice is a must. Imagine if you and I payed taxes, how much restriction we would have even though we earned our lifestyles. Being poor they don't contribute enough to our country but, with this lump tax we all will be positively effecting France. Please listen to my words as your most trusted noble,king!

    Sincerely your favorite Noble,
    Zykeem "The Truth" Sims

    1. "Zykeem The Truth Sims", you may be the kings favorite noble, but you are wrong, we may be poor, but we deserve to voice our opinions >:(, think about that!!!!!!!

    2. Dear Virginia,

      Thats right girl! Speak thou voice aloud!
      -peasant/Tristen M.

    3. "Tristen M.", thank you girl, power to the peasants, lawyers, doctors, and many more in our group :D

  11. F.Y.I
    My king they are so broke they cannot pay attention.

  12. Dear King Louis XVI,
    I am pleased you have decided to include everyone, even those as poor as Parisian scum to have a say during this gathering. However, I am extremely against the idea of raising taxes even more. How can you even think about taxing the third estate. As I said they are called scum because they have NOTHING! Even people like myself such as writers,doctors and lawyers have nothing left to give you. You have taxed us out of house and home. I believe you should tax more of the priests and nobleman of the first and second estate. At least they will have something to give! Even though I think bringing everyone together was a lovely idea and everyone will be able to speak their minds together, how are people going to solve anything with money involved? 98 percent of the population have NONE! Not every financial issue can be solved with taxes. Try taking some money from the church for a change?
    A frustrated writer

  13. Dear King Louis XVI,

    Although, I am thrilled to hear that you have finally let us bourgeoise people take part in the Versailles meeting along with the others, dont you believe it's a little absurd to make MORE taxes?! I have a family to take care of! Why dont you possibly take from your noble or maybe your queen. Does she really need that new dress? My daughter does not get new shoes, or a brand new diamond studded jewlrey. She gets food in her stomach to show her we love her along with her two other siblings. Unfortunately though, somtimes we cannot even do that for her. PLEASE! I BEG of you! Discontinue taxation from the thrid Estate. We have nothing left to give you!

    An upset peasant
    (Tristen Moyers)

  14. Caro re Louis XVI,
    I must say, i shall commend you for involving the common people.However I am highly disappointed and frustrated.You have taken all my savings and have under utilized my abilities. I haven't had a proper meal for days. Yet all of your high priest and noblemen live a lavish lifestyle. The peasants of France are suffering while you sip fine wines! Fuori con la testa!
    Until we meet again ^__^,

  15. Dear Your Majesty, the Great, King Louis XVI,

    I believe that you should raise the taxes!! Raise them all the way up to GOD! If you, Your Majesty, decide to raise the taxes, we shall receive more money. With that money, we can take care of England!

    I believe that the peasants/third estate should be the only ones taxed because they are the majority. It is only fair. We are the minority, so we should not have to pay up - especially me since I speak the word of GOD.

    I do not believe that it was a wise choice, King Louis XVI, to bring us all together for a meeting. I am a follower of everything else that you have done, except that. They are not educated or noble enough to have a say in decisions as important as so. We, Your Majesty, have been educated. What more could you want in your court than a noble brave soldier, a speaker of the LORD and a high King? That is all you need. You need no peasants to help in the decision making! GOD forgive me, but they are Paris Scum!

    Sincerely with Great Appreciation and Admiration,

    Mother Mekayla
    (Mekayla Montgomery, Priest)

  16. dear king louis;
    you should stop raising taxes, especially for the peasants. why try to take from those who have nothing to take? those who have the money to pay for all of the debts you caused us. its not fair to take the things we need in order to survive just for you to pay for your wife's entertainment. this was a very nice idea for a not so bright king like you, but i know youll still do what you want and tax the poor. i have nothing else to say to you, you filty peasant.
    love your favorite scummy peasant xoxo :*
    (alexis chmiel)

  17. Dear King Louis XVI,
    I think raising the taxes is a foolish idea! I'm already giving everything I have just because I'm not a member of the clergy, or a nobleman. Being a peasant is the worst! It's so unfair to all of us! Raising the taxes from what they already are? You have to be kidding me. I won't have anything to offer you. If you do have to makr people pay taxes, make everyone pay them. It would be much smarter to give the people with more money higher taxes, since they have ALL that money. I don't have a job which makes it impossible to keep up with all of this taxation. Bringing all three estates together was a bad idea. It results in total chaos, next time, I suggest you speak to each estate individually.

  18. To Virginia A. and Tristen M., me fellow Third estate citizens,
    I agree! Either less taxes for da poor or we start a revolushun! Hear here!

    (P.S.-So sory again for me bad grammer; as you peasants know, none of us third estate peoples have very good educashun. Me apologees - again!)
    (P.P.S. - How did you two "REPLY" to Zykeem "The Truth" Sim's note to da King Louis? Dis silly gadget thing not letting me "REPLY"...Oh, well; I shall sea my good friends the peasants to-morow!)

  19. Dear King Louis XVI,
    Haven't taxes been raised enough already? I feel as if taxes are being raised every single day! The little money that i do make has to be used for taking care of my family, not for spending it on your lavish parties and and the church. Why not tax the people that actually have money to give! The church and the nobles pay little to no taxes while the rest of us are constantly robbed of our hard earned money. How about they contribute for a change! Although i am glad that you wished to hear a peasant's point of view, this meeting was a not a good idea. As much as we can complain about the taxes,in the end you will only listen to and ask advice from your nobles. This will result in frustration from the lower estates and will ultimately end badly.
    A peasant

  20. Dear King Louis XVI,
    Stop the madness, man! You are taxing us middle class into poverty! We have no money to buy food, clothing, or even run our businesses. Although I do appreciate you allowing us, the third tier, to have a say at the Versailles, this hardly makes up for your crimes. While all the women in your country starve and can hardly feed their children, your "wife" is using all of your money for her own selfish acts. The money that could have gone to us, the starving population of France! Listening to your nobles is NOT helping anyone but themselves, and the church is using the money to buy necessary organizations WE CAN'T AFFORD TO GO TO! We are getting nowhere at all my King; something must be done to save your starving people and end the noble's corruption!

    Alex Wiese, a Writer who can't afford paper

  21. I, King Louis XVI feel that maybe I made a mistake?! Maybe a meeting of the Estates General was NOT a good thing....

  22. Dear King Louis XVI,
    I would like to thank you for inviting the third estate to this meeting. But, I think you should have taxes on the First and Second Estate. They have more money us third estates barley have enough to get on with our lives. Me as a peasant i am living my life by begging this is terrible for the right of living.

    A Peasant(Dylan York)

  23. Dear King Louis XVI,
    I am a merchant who has given their whole life to their job. Raising taxes would be okay. As long as you make the people that actually have the money, give it. The first and second estate should pay the taxes. For they are the wealthy.

    A merchant

  24. Dear King Louis XVI,
    I am a cook from the third estate. This meeting is a great way to get everyone together to hear ideas from different estates, but I must say it is completely unessesary to raise our taxes, when the ones who have the most money (first and second estates) are not even paying any taxes and still recieve money. Although the third estates are most of the population we do not have enough money put together to reach the amount that they have. The people that should be paying taxes are the first and second estate. I also feel that we should not be taxed on every single item, which is ridiculous. If everyone were to get taxed (not just the third estates) it would be fair and equal. Bringing everyone together to solve this problem is a great idea because everyone can put in their word and be heard. Thank You.
    a cook
